Thursday, April 10, 2014

Testimony Thursday

Hello everyone, today is testimony Thursday for Daily Pink. My testimony today is in the past two years, my life has totally changed.  I have gone from being able to walk to almost being not able to move around at all.  I had a few physical illnesses, I got depressed I didn't want to leave the house and certainly didn't want to talk to anyone.  My personality changed and my desire to get to living had left me.  And one day, I was in the house all alone with the screaming silence of being alone and it hit me.  Again, it hit me.....that something positive can come out of my situation.  That..... I can can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS ME!  It hit me that I only have this one life to live and I cannot give up on myself.  

The easy way out is to give up and not do anything!  I wanted to stop working, stay home and become depressed and stagnated.  I felt like everyone was watching me, talking about me and laughing at me.  I decided to do something positive!  I decided to share my story.....I decided to change my life on that day.  So, here I am trying to help others transform their pain and their depression into hope and happiness!  I want to help transform lives. I am an extraordinary person regardless of my situation.  

Make good out of any situation and believe that you are special!  Always know that regardless how much pain and suffering that you have in your life that you can move forward and become successful and extraordinary!

Learn to love yourself and accept yourself as you are!  I cannot walk without being in pain, but I PRAISE GOD that I can walk!  I am so grateful that I am here with another chance to make it right!  I am successful...I am a lovable and  an extraordinary person.  I am powerful and in control.  I only have one day and that is today because tomorrow is not promised.  I will not stop here!  I will continue to move forward to reach out to others so that we all can live a life of loving ourselves.

When you read this please feel free to leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Bless you for sharing! We can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST! HALLELUJAH!
